When a journalist or anyone from the media contacts you, please let the Communication Design (CD) unit know via the following form right after the first contact. Answering the questions in English/Japanese does not matter.
<aside> 👉 Media interview request report form / 取材依頼連絡フォーム
The CD unit will obtain permission from all the necessary parties in (and sometimes outside) the University to take photos and videos for media publication, confirm safety measures, and communicate necessary information to the media. You don’t have to do it yourself! 報道用写真・ビデオ撮影に必要な学内外の認可手続き、安全面の確認は、すべてCDユニットが行い、メディアに必要な情報を伝えます。みなさんがご自身で手続きする必要はありません!
iCeMS Communication Design (CD) Unit
[email protected] | Phone ext. 9749
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7534ac94-f3f3-4877-8da5-1c2a7bb8b1b6/transparent.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7534ac94-f3f3-4877-8da5-1c2a7bb8b1b6/transparent.png" width="40px" />